Convert Purchased Experiences to Steam DLC Keys

We have some big things coming from ViRo Playspace soon!

Going forward, we are ending support for the standalone version of ViRo Playspace and moving it exclusively to the Steam platform. This move will give us more bandwidth to focus on content creation and develop the various social features for the platform. We believe that switching to simple DLC items makes more sense and will be easier for everyone.

This key will give you a free copy of the item you previously purchased on our older system.  We need to migrate everyone to DLC experiences so we can provide updates and additional content.

We will happily help you migrate any purchased Dream Experiences still on your account to DLC content.  Just fill out the form below with the options you would like and we’ll take care of it. It’s a manual process on our end so it may take a day or two.

Which account should we look up to convert your tokens?
Which previous purchases are you converting to Steam DLC Keys? Select all that apply or have us send them all.
E-Mail to send Steam Keys to